
Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's been a hell of a 10 days...and a hell of a 10 days to come......

The week of Easter....Then a week of a very large high school having Prom this week
two more large high schools having Prom (Yes on Mothers Day Weekend) (Yes apparently the people
running these last two high schools ain't tooooooooooo bright...........)

So you say what the hell's the big deal....well the big deal is I own a Florist that's been here for over 35 years
and these 3 weeks are


by the hundred's out the yahoo (no relationship to the internet entity of the same name) and all the drama that goes with idiot children trying to match a corsage to a prom dress that looks like it
was hanging on the wall at the Sherman William's paint research lab when it exploded...............................
Not to mention the fact that they "don't want one like everyone else has" ...Their's has to be "special".........

Hi Mr. Florist, here is my prom dress...what would go well with this ????

Young lady, you may wish to tie a pair of cockatiel's  to your wrist............................................................
Yes indeed, wouldn't that be "special"...............

And young lady in your case may I suggest.................

A Peacock's ass.................

So anyway, it been a hectic couple of weeks and one more (surely to be more hectic than the last) to today I was feeling drained, tired,  disgruntled and not a happy camper....then it came to me....go to u-tube and watch all 6 vids of Lewis Black on Broadway....So I have just finished that exercise and now I am ready to take on the Mongolian Army...I have a new lease on life.....Lewis brings out the best in me and assures me I am not alone in the way I perceive the insanity of the world around me on a daily basis.

Thanks Lewis....I love you man............

My sincerest apologies to Mr. & Mrs O. on the selection of this Vid.............. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

How do you define "To Much" ?

How about living in a private home that has over 175,000 sq feet, and 250 rooms sitting on
125,000 acres of land.
5 Stories high, and a basement complete with bowling alley.
Horse stables with all solid bass tack and tack hooks on the walls
It's own winery
Enough lawn acreage that you could not mow it in a week in a helicopter turned upside down
Each floor has it's own private servants and the servants have there own rooms.

In the 1880s, at the height of the Gilded AgeGeorge Washington Vanderbilt, youngest son ofWilliam Henry Vanderbilt, began to make regular visits with his mother, Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt (1821–1896), to the Asheville, NC area. He loved the scenery and climate so much that he decided to create his own summer estate in the area, which he called his "little mountain escape", just as his older brothers and sisters had built opulent summer houses in places such as NewportRhode Island, and Hyde ParkNew York.

A glimpse to the good life:

front of main house.
view from above

 The three fireplaces in the banquet hall

The hall itself

One of numerous gardens

There is more, much much more but I'm starting to get an inferiority complex just trying to write this post...if you 
want to really get sick to your stomach you can go here....Excuse me while I go throw up.................................... 

Saturday, April 23, 2011



THINGS HAD BETTER CHANGE FAST...........................................................

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Thanks and Appreciation to Missy Bella

For being such a good sport and all around great gal.

She is the best.

Thanks Bella, your the greatest......

Anymore wise ass comments and I will post a naked picture of Kristy Alley (pre diet) and swear it is you......

Wednesday, April 20, 2011




JUST LISTEN.............................................................

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Due to a wise ass comment left on another blog that will remain unnamed I find it necessary to dedicate this 
post to Missy Bella in hopes that these selected tunes will bring back certain memories and a smile to her face.

After all she has a new camera coming.............

Monday, April 18, 2011

That infamous day that comes every April.....

A prostitute goes into the tax preparer to get her tax form done. "Okay," says the tax guy, "We need to list your profession for income purposes."
"Well," she says, "Prostitution."
"No, no we can't put that down!" the tax guy says.
"Oh well, then a hooker," she says.
"No, no, still won't accept that."
So she thinks for a minute and replies, "Chicken farmer."
"Chicken farmer?" says the tax guy.
"Sure," she says, "I raised over 200 cocks last year!"

Badda Bing....Badda Boom....

Badda Bing.....Badda Boom....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time to apply the pressure............

The web site is

This is the Google forum page for blogger where all the high I.Q. geeks and some Google employees hang out. 

We all need to go there and ask that blogger be updated to allow us to respond to comments such as was on the stream and have the person who left the comment get an email notification.  

I have already posted a suggestion request, but just one will have no cumulative effect, so we need a lot of bloggers to make the same suggestion and pass it on to everyone............

Thanks for your consideration in this endeavor ..........

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You would think I would be immune by now...UPDATE..UPDATE..FILM AT 11:00


Today she was eating crow....much more subdued and reasonable...sorta acted human....I was amazed.......

Guess she took my advise and checked with other florist and found out the same thing I was telling her all along.....

It's great to know that the old TAB still has the force on his side.......I mean really how can you just not love a great looking, funny, intelligent, unassuming, friendly guy like me......and the beat goes on.......

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -original post- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

When you deal with the public at large as I do in retail you see all types, all personalities and a wide range of mental awareness ranging from acutely intellectual to criminally insane on a weekly basis..So one would think that one would become accustomed to dealing with these personas with some degree of patience and understanding.


DateLine:  Kernersville, NC. April 12, 2011,,,Local business owner ties rope around customers leg and attaches the other end to the rear bumper of delivery van and drives through the city at 75 mph.

Not really....just wishful thinking....but the thought did cross my mind today.....

A short story about 

The wedding planner from hell !!!!!

Scenario:   Customer comes in..states she is the wedding coordinator for a bride being married in October and wishes to know the price ranges for bridal bouquets and bridesmaids bouquets....So far all is well......

When asked what type of flowers, how many, and what style of bouquets the bride was considering the
replay was ..."She really has no idea that's my job to decide what would be best for her".....

  WELL EXCUSE ME !!!!    

the red flags are now starting to wave over the home of the brave......

So after about 30 minutes of showing different bouquet design's with various flowers I inquired....
"What would you like to recommend to the bride"?  .....a somewhat logical question I assumed..........

"I don't know at this point, I just want prices so the bride can manage her wedding budget". was the reply.

Again I repeated...."Which design, which flowers, and which size bouquets for the bridal party".

"I don't know for sure...just tell me the different prices or at least give me a price range". ..was her rebuttal.

Now I explain that without specific flower choices, design specifications, and size it is impossible to give
any accurate price quotes. I go on to explain that a small stem wrapped bouquet could start at 25.00 and
a large cascade design depending on choice of flowers could run as high as 350.00 as we have done both
ends of the spectrum in 35 years of doing weddings....

At this point the "wedding coordinator" became highly agitated at me and informed me that she would just
contact a different florist to get the information she required since I was unwilling to help her.

Oh I need a cape and a sword...and a clown would be welcome also.

Mr. car much does a car cost.
Mr. much does a steak cost.
Mr. much does a suit cost.
Mr. much does a house cost.

At this point, I told said "wedding coordinator" to bring in the bride, and we would make the decisions about all the necessary items affecting price that she had no idea of and I would be glad to price the exact bouquets desired once all the information was at hand...

I was informed that if we were the last florist on the east coast, the bride would be married with wildflowers
picked from the woods, at which point I informed Miss Coordinator that we have also done that and the price is most reasonable..


what I really wanted to says was...............

I may have found a new career....what U Think ?????????

Check me out here in action

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Understanding the United States 2 Party Governing System

Politics can be very confusing even in the best of times....How do our elected officials work to enact policies and laws that help the country and make the way of life in the US the envy of the world.  I really can't do justice to the explanation but I have found a gentleman who can clear it all up for all of us.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Music Appreciation...

Every now an artist comes on the music scene and leaves us with a historic version of a song we can never forget or get out of  our minds.....

I would submit this artist and this song for that consideration..............................or possibly decide...

<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - More famous short Rodney tunes in video gadget - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seems the older I get the more often it happens........

In my teens I was invincible.....nothing could bother or harm me...Every day was a new adventure waiting to be discovered.

In my twenties to forties I was to busy building my career and making my mark on the world at large.
I had no time to worry about small unimportant issues.  The only thing I really was concerned with was
where we were going to spend our vacation and just how many different golf courses could I play in a

Then in my fifties something happened....something I can't explain or even say I was aware of that it
was happening to me.  I begin to become annoyed by the smallest of issues and people who displayed
traits of total stupidity and lack of common sense.  I discovered that I had no time for these people
and no longer cared about helping them with their cognitive behavior.

I could still be civil in my dealing and contact with these people but really felt put upon to have to
endure such activity.

Now in my sixties ...........I really thought I would become wiser and have an abundance of patience but I
have discovered two things.......


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jury still out on this site but deliberations are underway

Have spent about 2 hours looking at site and options.

Still seem to have trouble finding an easy navigation tool
to go to other blogs quickly. I am sure it's here, I just
have not found it yet.

Better editor for posting that's nice.....
Gadgets and formats of blog pages giving me a little trouble
at this point.

Anyway, will continue to fumble around for a while.

Anyway, If I haven't found your blog yet give me time....

Got's to be a easy way to index blogs somewhere in here.

Suggestions welcome !!!!!!   LOL,,,,,,,

Don't say anything about this to Bella, she already thinks I am an idiot and she does not need more ammo.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Strange things happen when your not looking

Seems I do have a login here.......Duh.....But that's a good a few of my old friends from the stream are here also....

Can't remember doing this so I will have to re-learn the site.....

Good to see I am the same old TAB........